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Adopt it as your own. He will pour light into your waiting heart. He led the flock to the west end of the wilderness and came to the mountain of God, Horeb. Persist in this attitude. Empower me to practice Your presence wherever I am; whatever I am doing."Don't argue internally about this. My relationship with God, through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, began with an admission and a request. His death was the sacrifice of the Ultimate Lamb to atone for our condition. When you are there, the heavens will open for you. When I admitted my Sin condition and my total incapability to deal with it on my own; when I expressed my belief in Jesus as my Savior and Mediator; when I accepted Jesus' death on the cross as full payment for my Sin--past, present and future, I also turned the direction of my life over to my Heavenly Father. Let me recognize Your voice."And when you do, mighty things will begin to happen in your prayer life.There's a song by Twila Paris which speaks powerfully about the intimate, sweet times that can happen when we draw away from the crowd and simply ask God, "What do You have to say to me today?"The song is "When You Speak To Me."When You speak to meWhen I take the time to listenThere is more than what I think I feelWhen You speak to meWhen I sit and still the motionThere is nothing left but what is realThere is an answer to every questionThe answer is YouAnd the heavens open when You speak to mePouring light into my waiting heartAnd the music fills an ocean silently, quietlyWhen you speak to meWhen You speak to meWhen You call me and surround meThere is peace to cover any painWhen You speak to meWhen You place Your word inside meI am filled and I am strong againThere is a reason for every longingThe reason is YouAnd the heavens open when You speak to mePouring light into my waiting heartAnd the music fills an ocean silently, quietlyWhen you speak to meMy brothers and sisters in Christ, I know you long to commune with Him--deeply, intimately and regularly. The bush was blazing away but it didn't burn up.Moses said, tn requin 'What's going on here? I can't believe this! Amazing! Why doesn't the bush burn up?'GOD saw that he had stopped to look. He will surround you. Just as your salvation came after you asked God, you must ask God to do this for you. Salvation began with God and our walk with Jesus comes in the same way.Read John 10. I don't want the Lord to hit me with a 2x4 across the skull. Now get up and go into the city, where you will be told what to do.'" (Acts 9:3-6)Of course, you must understand that in Saul/Paul's example, I'd just as soon skip the 3-day blindness part (see Acts 9:8-9), although the 3-day fast might do me some good.Am I being clear? The point I'm trying to make is that, from time to time, I'd like one of those Cecil B. I just want Him to get my attention and let me know He's really, really there and He's really, really speaking to me! Really! Perhaps some of you will be able to identify with me.A much better example might be the dramatic way God spoke to Moses:"Moses was shepherding the flock of Jethro, his father--in-law, the priest of Midian. And you didn't need any wide-screen, Technicolor, or Dolby Digital sound to tell you that!Secondly, I realize that what I really want is not these 3D/IMAX encounters with God which may come only once in a lifetime if at all but, instead, the regular, intimate relationship with God that Adam and Eve had with Him in the Garden. And there is a reason for this longing: Him. "But first, you gotta get his attention!"Now, my point in telling this story is that it is an analogy for how I'd like for the Lord to speak to me. We are the sheep of Jesus the Shepherd. Lord, as with all things I admit my inability to do this. 'I am the one you are so cruel to. He looked. You're standing on holy ground.'Then he said, 'I am the God of your father: The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob.'Moses hid his face, afraid to look at God." (Exodus 3:1-6 The Message)(As a side note, I especially love the chaussures puma King James version of Exodus 3:5, where God says to Moses,"Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground." The old language in all its majesty seems to fit a God moment like this. He fell to the ground and heard a voice that said, 'Saul! Saul! Why are you so cruel to me?''"Who are you?' Saul asked.'I am Jesus,' the Lord answered. No, I'm not a masochist. Demille, Ten Commandments, Charlton Heston/Moses experiences where, "wooo hooo!", there ain't no doubt that "God is in the building."But then I realize...First, I'm sure that, like me, if you've been a Christian for any length of time you've had moments when the hair stood up on the back of your neck; when you've gotten "goose bumps"; when the arrangement of events have led you unmistakably to the conclusion that HE HAS SPOKEN. "Is slugging him in the head being 'gentle'?""No, sir," the second prospector replies. "Lord, I want to experience You, to walk with You, and talk with You, and HEAR FROM YOU moment-by-moment every day of my life. Don't try it for awhile. It is by grace and grace alone.And that responsibility, which I cast on Him, also includes the establishment of a truly intimate, moment-by-moment loving relationship with Jesus Christ.If I don't have such a relationship, I must ask Him to build it. The angel of GOD appeared to him in flames of fire blazing out of the middle of a bush. And He will place His word inside you. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,I'm sure most, if not all, of you know this old story, but I'm going to tell it anyway. Remove your sandals from your feet. Take the time to listen--to Him, right now.Love, Brother BillBrother Bill is the creator and webmaster of Everyday Christianity, which provides ministry and resources for Christian families. Hey, if He spoke to me that way, I would make sure I drew "not nigh hither" and I'd take off my shoes from off my feet in record time!)And what if God spoke to us like He did on the road to Damascus one day:"When Saul had almost reached Damascus, a bright light from heaven suddenly flashed around him. Don't say, "Oh, I'll try, but..." Just pour out your heart to Him. (Don't stop me if you've heard it!)Two old prospectors are arguing over the best way to train a pack mule. I ask that You draw me close to You. Make me instantly aware of Your voice when You speak to me. God called to him from out of the bush, 'Moses! Moses!'He said, 'Yes? I'm right here!'God said, 'Don't come any closer. They lost this close relationship through Sin, but you and I have regained it through the death of Jesus--the second Adam. The first one maintains that you have to be extra firm with a mule from the beginning--just to let him know who is boss right away.The other prospector maintains that you have to be gentle to win over a mule; you have to speak to him softly and sweetly. God longs to have that relationship with you. When He looks at us He sees Jesus, and Jesus is our Mediator.So, if we've regained it, why don't we seem to have it, and how do we possess it?God gives us the answer: "'Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.'" (Jeremiah 3:3 NIV)God delights in revealing Himself to us, and He promises to answer if we call on Him.Too simple? The Gospel, or Good News, of Jesus Christ IS simple: God does it all because we can do nothing. His resurrection and ascension to the Father and our receipt of the Holy Spirit was our salvation, and the total reason that God now sees us without blemish. Tell Him, "I am one of Your sheep, Lord. We couldn't save ourselves and we cannot live any part of the Christian life by ourselves either. Then, he says, you can get the mule to do anything.The first prospector doesn't believe a word of this and asks the second to demonstrate.The second guy agrees and then picks up a log and hits the mule square on its head."What do you mean--be gentle?" the first one asks. This article may shared freely as long as it includes this resource box and a link back to the website at http://www.everydaychristianity.com. Requin TN Nike R4 Cartoon  Chaussure Blanc Noir Neuvenike air max tn requin Michael Jackson hommes pas cher

